Witches Bell


Put simply, witches bells are a handheld-size set of magical bells hung from a doorknob or a nail in their home. Witches mostly use these bells to ward off negativity in a home, but they are also pretty to look at and listen to! This magical ringing device has ages-old origins

How to Use Witches Bells (Many Different Ways)
Bells in general have magical properties of protection, purification, joy, alarm and celebration. Use your set of bells in whatever way resonates with you; however, there are a few ways I recommend trying. Keep in mind, you can use your set of witch’s bells for any ritual that requires a bell in general.

* Ring your witch’s bells to announce the start of a ritual or spell working; bells are also used to invoke CERTAIN deities (do your research beforehand)
* Hang them from your front door to announce visitors AND to ward off negative energy
* Hang them from your witch’s cabinet or altar to ward off low level spirits that may try to feed on the energy there AND to warn you if someone is playing around with your sacred tools
* You can also hang a bell from your pet’s collar to know their whereabouts AND to protect them from negative energy (you only want to use ONE smell bell for safety purposes)
* Hang them in your bedroom window which helps ward off nightmares and trickster astral spirits
* Hang them in your rearview window in your vehicle to ward off the evil eye and bad luck
* Business owners hang bells on their front door to alarm them to customers as well as to protect from negative energy
* Bells are rung in fertility spells and represent the male and female genitalia coming together AND the baby in the womb
* Wear bells on your ankles, wrists, etc. while dancing to raise energy and deter negative forces during invocation and ritual
* Ring a bell to announce dinner to your family before a holiday or sabbat meal

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Many spiritual traditions utilize Bells in their daily practice. We find ritual bells in Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto and of course Witchcraft. It’s actually one of the most common ritual ornaments used for many purposes throughout centuries.

Put simply, witches bells are a handheld-size set of magical bells hung from a doorknob or a nail in their home. Witches mostly use these bells to ward off negativity in a home, but they are also pretty to look at and listen to! This magical ringing device has ages-old origins

How to Use Witches Bells (Many Different Ways)
Bells in general have magical properties of protection, purification, joy, alarm and celebration. Use your set of bells in whatever way resonates with you; however, there are a few ways I recommend trying. Keep in mind, you can use your set of witch’s bells for any ritual that requires a bell in general.

* Ring your witch’s bells to announce the start of a ritual or spell working; bells are also used to invoke CERTAIN deities (do your research beforehand)
* Hang them from your front door to announce visitors AND to ward off negative energy
* Hang them from your witch’s cabinet or altar to ward off low level spirits that may try to feed on the energy there AND to warn you if someone is playing around with your sacred tools
* You can also hang a bell from your pet’s collar to know their whereabouts AND to protect them from negative energy (you only want to use ONE smell bell for safety purposes)
* Hang them in your bedroom window which helps ward off nightmares and trickster astral spirits
* Hang them in your rearview window in your vehicle to ward off the evil eye and bad luck
* Business owners hang bells on their front door to alarm them to customers as well as to protect from negative energy
* Bells are rung in fertility spells and represent the male and female genitalia coming together AND the baby in the womb
* Wear bells on your ankles, wrists, etc. while dancing to raise energy and deter negative forces during invocation and ritual
* Ring a bell to announce dinner to your family before a holiday or sabbat meal