

The Sol Bracelet was named after the sun goddess herself (Norse Mythology) that was said to ride across the sky in her chariot drawn by two golden horses.

Sunstone – the stone of leadership / inspire good nature and enjoyment of life, one to be open, benevolent, and bestow blessings upon others. Stone of joy.

The Lotus flower represents purity, enlightenment, self regeneration, and re-birth. Even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters it produces the most beautiful flower.

Hematite – stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought, grounds, protects, and strengthens our connection to the earth / uses magnetic properties to balance the body and stabilize equilibrium.




The Sol Bracelet was named after the sun goddess herself (Norse Mythology) that was said to ride across the sky in her chariot drawn by two golden horses.

Sunstone – the stone of leadership / inspire good nature and enjoyment of life, one to be open, benevolent, and bestow blessings upon others. Stone of joy.

The Lotus flower represents purity, enlightenment, self regeneration, and re-birth. Even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters it produces the most beautiful flower.

Hematite – stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought, grounds, protects, and strengthens our connection to the earth / uses magnetic properties to balance the body and stabilize equilibrium.

Size – Regular (7.0)


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